Dr Beverley Anderson MB ChB (Birmingham) MRCGP MRCP
Salaried GP - Female
Jenna Baer
Diabetes Nurse
Dr Julia Chase MBBS (London) 2004 DCH 2009 DRCOG 2008 MRCGP
Salaried GP - Female
Jane Clark
Practice Nurse
Mrs Sue Delaiche
Practice Manager
Mrs Susan El Gorr
Medical Secretary
Dr Matthew Freeman MBChb DCH DRCOG
GP Partner - Male
Claire Georgiades
Practice Nurse
Dr Peter Greenway 1986 MRCGP Dip Sports Med
GP Partner - Male
Kajal Haghmoradi
Clinical Pharmacist
Dr Afshan Jamil
Salaried GP - Female
Mrs Sue Jones
Reception Manager - Female
Mrs Kate Keen
Senior Administrator
Fahamida Lakiyet
Health Care Assistant
Dr Emilia Negrin Brito (works Term Time Only)
Salaried GP - Female
Dr Melody Pang BSc(Hons) MBBS MRCGP
Salaried GP - Female
Dr Pedram Shabrokh MBChB (Sheffield) 1990 MRCGP DFFP GP Trainer (KSS Deanery)
Senior GP Partner - Male
Mrs Beverley Smyth
Finance Manager
Mrs Lisa Troutt
Medical Secretary
Beverley Watson
Health Care Assistant
Dr Neil Wellappili MRCP MRCGP
Salaried GP - Male
Every patient has a named GP and can express a preference about the GP they are assigned to.